Finding God’s Provision in Panic
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“ And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way,
and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light,
that they might travel by day and by night.”
(Exodus 13:21 ESV)
Slowing to a stop, I began surveying my surroundings. Cars blocked me on all sides. My breathing became shallow, my heart rate quickened, and my clammy hands clutched the steering wheel––with tunnel vision, my head swam. I was stuck!
I flipped the radio from an audiobook to worship music as I grasped for something to quench the rising panic.
Where do you run to when there's no way out?
The ninety-minute drive to meet my best friend for lunch was uneventful as traffic flowed steadily. This meeting was a long time coming. We enjoyed catching up and settling into our usual comfortable banter.
The drive back was bumper to bumper, and inevitably traffic stalled. I don't do well in crowds, tight spots, or anything that feels stuck.
Thoughts jumbled in my mind as I began recalling techniques for dealing with anxiety.
First, implement deep breathing. Try as I may, pushing breath down into my diaphragm was proving difficult.
I recalled the next tip: mentally visit a peaceful place.
Purposefully, slowing my breaths to fill my lungs with a slow-release, I focused my attention on the sky as the lyrics rang out:
And oh, my soul, remember who you're talking to...
If You broke through the oceans, You can break these chains
If Your word made the mountains, It can move them all the same
If death fell before You and it's still on its face
Then the power that raised You is about to move again.
- Remember, by Bryan and Katie Torwalt
It was a dreary day with dark clouds. But, at that moment, the clouds slowly began departing as the light of the sun shone through.
He was breaking through the chains, and His power moved again.
I was reminded of God's provision for the Israelites on their journey to Canaan by "going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light." (Exodus 13:21 NASB)
God was beckoning me to run to Him. There's always a road that leads to Him. He specializes in making a way when there is no way.
In my time of darkness, I found provision as He invited me to look up into the vastness of His grace.
The tightness of my chest began to release. Air quickly filled my lungs as peace replaced panic.
As traffic began moving, I thanked God for the stop.
It was in the stopping that I found reassurance that He always provides just what we need when we need it. In the day or the night, He provides the light.
If you are like me, you may find yourself frustrated in the struggle to find peace in panic. Maybe you can't remember the last time you were able to feel the fullness of your lungs after taking a deep breath. I, wholeheartedly, believe that dealing with anxiety involves physical, mental, and spiritual components.
It may take physically pushing deep breaths into your lungs, intentionally focusing your mind beyond the current situation, surrendering to God in prayer, and remembering His Word's truths.
Dear Father,
I praise you for your greatness. I thank you for Your comforting Word. I ask You to give me peace when the panic ensues. Help me to see Your manna in the darkness of the struggle. Please show the way when there seems to be no way. I ask You to continue to break the chains and bind the enemy. Help me rest in the promise of Your provision.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
A downloadable worksheet with practical tips for dealing with anxiety.