How God Comforts Us: 4 Special Ways | Butterfly Living

I’m honored to be a guest at Butterfly You can read an excerpt below and follow the link to read the full article.

“BEEP  B-E-E-P!” Our family’s brown Toyota Corolla’s horn echoed off the walls of the rock-walled tunnel we zipped through in the Smoky Mountains.

Daddy held his heavy hand down on the horn from the moment we entered the tunnel until our car popped into the sunshine on the other side. Belly laughs, and joyful squeals rang out from the back seat where I sat, squished between my brother and sister.

Being the youngest child, I was always summoned to sit in the middle. I abhorred the position most of the time, but my childhood family vacations only happened once a year, and I was glad for any place to enjoy the ride.

As the daughter of a pastor whose life seemed to always be under our small town’s microscope, I relished a week of uninterrupted time with Daddy and the rest of my family.

We enjoyed our adventures by dashing through the dark tunnels along the Smoky Mountain National Park highway with our car horns blaring. But other dark tunnels I’ve traveled through have not brought such exuberance. And one of those tunnels was a different kind of adventure…

Find Comfort in God’s Perfect Fatherhood

If your heart is longing for true comfort, snag a copy of my new book, 40 Days to God, My Father: Finding Shelter in the Heart of God.

I’d love for you to join me on the journey to a richer discovery of the goodness, faithfulness, and love of the Heavenly Father.