The Hope of Resurrection
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While they were talking and discussing together,
Jesus himself drew near and went with them.
But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
Luke 24:15-16 ESV
Two men, Jesus’ disciples, are walking down a dirt road leading into the town of Emmaus. They witnessed the death of Jesus on the cross three days ago, and they just heard that His body has disappeared from the tomb where He was buried. The women told them an angel proclaimed Jesus had arisen from the dead, but they’re finding this news difficult to believe.
Heads hung low, and brokenhearted, they’re wondering how they could have gotten it so wrong. After all, when Jesus said He was the One they were waiting for––the One who came to set the captives free––they wholeheartedly believed Him. They’d sunk their hopes into His promise of a better life. But now, all those dreams have vanished, and they are filled with dismay.
Jesus begins to walk with them, matching their pace, and joins their conversation. “What are you talking about?” he asks. Despairingly, they stop and look at him. One of them, Cleopas, asks Jesus how He hasn’t heard about the prophet’s, Jesus of Nazareth, crucifixion? Cleopas has no idea who he’s talking to.
Cleopas sputters the words of his heart: “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21) Apparently, hope has turned to hopelessness. Jesus doesn't seem to be who they thought He was.
As I read their story, my mind wandered to the many times I’ve been exactly where they are––walking down the road of despair. Like the time I thought Jesus would give me instant healing, but instead He allowed years of chronic illness. Or when I thought Jesus would give me children, but my womb stayed empty. Or when I thought He would heal my father and my father-in-law, but He chose to take them home to be with Him instead.
So like those men on the dusty road, my heart became so blinded by disappointment that it couldn’t recognize the Presence of Jesus walking right beside me. The screaming pain in those moments kept me from hearing His voice, until He revealed Himself to me just like He did with those two men. In all of these circumstances, He brought beautiful blessings. Mostly, the blessing of knowing Him more fully.
Jesus blessed Cleopas and the other disciple by accepting their invitation to dinner once they reached Emmaus. After they had gathered around the table, Jesus blessed the bread and shared it with them. And much to their amazement, they recognize it is JESUS.
Jesus––Himself––is the One they’ve been walking and talking with all along.
Friend, have you found yourself wandering down the path of discouragement? May I encourage you to open the eyes of your heart to the truth of the resurrection? Jesus is alive! He is well. And He is in control. He knew exactly what you would face and where you would face it––and He has been right there with you in the difficulty.
Dear Jesus,
At times it is difficult to see, hear, and feel Your presence when I don’t understand what is happening around me. Help me to trust that You are with me no matter what. Shower me with Your love and give me the strength to use eyes of faith when looking at my circumstances. Remind me of Your promises to never leave me, to keep me, and to work all things for my good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read Luke 24; Hebrews 13:5-6; Isaiah 26:3; and Romans 8:28
What is keeping you from seeing that Jesus is truly alive, working in your circumstances, and walking right beside you? Write out the promises found in these scriptures to remind you of your hope in Christ.
Encouraging Resources
Suffering is Never for Nothing, by Elisabeth Elliot
You Are Never Alone: Trust in the Miracle of God's Presence and Power, Max Lucado