Trembling Faith: When Doubt Begins to Whisper
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Immediately the father of the child cried out and said,
“I believe; help my unbelief!”
(Mark 9:24 ESV)
I believe while I tremble;
I trust while I weep.
- Emily Bronte
A lady once shared her testimony of healing from cancer. She attributed it to ”trusting and never doubting.”
At the time, I was in a dry, barren wilderness and could see no way out. I was trembling. I was questioning everything I believed. Honestly, I was wavering. I thought, “Oh well, there goes my miracle. I’m never getting out of this pit.”
However, being the avid researcher that I am, I began a quest to find out if my trembling disqualified me from God’s intervention in the matter.
I was reminded of the father who, when asking Jesus to deliver his son from an evil spirit said, “I believe; help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24 ESV)
After her brother Lazarus had been dead for four days, Martha says to Jesus, ”Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21 NASB)
Martha did not believe there was anything else to be done. She looked at the circumstances and saw no hope of resurrection.
In both of these instances, Jesus performed miracles. The father had his son delivered from the evil spirit, and Martha saw her brother raised from the dead.
The Lord did not forgo His promise or purpose because of their shaky faith.
I’m finding the darkness to be the sanctuary where faith grows. It’s trembling faith that initiates our desire to reach for more knowledge––ultimately, grasping beyond our reach.
The definition of faith is to “believe” or “trust” (Merriam-Webster). Trusting may include trembling.
It’s in the seasons of doubt we’re drawn to the One who can banish our disbelief.
There are great lessons in the wilderness of doubt that flex our faith muscles, and they draw us to define what we believe, who we believe in, and why we believe it.
The foundation of my faith is built on the belief that there is only One Triune God. He is my Creator, Savior, and friend.
I believe this not only because of His Word, but because I have the ability to look back at all the places He has met me. All of the pits from which He has pulled me. All of the times that I have called and He has answered.
Even in the midst of doubt He can be trusted.
Sister Abbess in the Sound of Music sums it up best: “I always try to have faith in my doubts.”
Have you found yourself in a place of doubt? Where the darkness seems to have settled in and you can’t seem to find the light? If so, reach out to the Lord, my friend. He is there with you. Remember what He has already done. Trust that He will never leave or forsake you (Heb.13:5).
Dear Father,
I praise You for Your faithfulness. I admit that my faith trembles when the struggles overwhelm me and circumstances look bleak. I ask You to strengthen my faith and help me to trust that You are in control and working all things for my good. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.