An Anchor of Hope for Your Soul

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul,

firm and secure.

Hebrews 6:19a ESV

I slathered sunscreen on my shoulders as my husband turned the key to our speedboat. The motor roared to life. He shifted the accelerator and pointed the bow to the farthest side of the lake. The boat’s hull split the water, and we jumped over the wakes in our path. My husband enjoyed racing across the lake, so I braced myself in my seat. Closing my eyes, I prayed, “Lord, meet me here.”

In the weeks before our outing on the water, I had wrestled with health setbacks. The headaches that I thought were gone had suddenly reappeared, and my nights included more time awake than asleep.

The weight of my pain, along with a handful of other personal struggles, weighed on my heart, and I questioned if hope had grown wings and flown away.

Within minutes, we reached the far side of the lake. The engine throttled down until we stopped. My husband grabbed the boat’s anchor and slung it overboard. When the anchor caught the water’s bed, our boat pulled and snapped securely in place.

Shaken from my revery, I opened my eyes and absorbed the serene view far away from humanity. A flock of birds soared in a V-formation through the cloudless blue sky. A family of ducks floated to a nearby island of shrubs. Fish splashed underneath the water’s lid. My heart was instantly quieted.

I wondered if this peaceful haven, cradling my soul in comfort, was akin to entering heaven’s doors––and hope swelled in my heart. The hope in knowing that one day every test, trouble, and trial in this life will end.

The author of Hebrews declares: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (6:19a NIV). What forms the fibers of this anchor of hope?

Faith that’s unsinkable, unshakable, and unending––faith in Almighty God. He is the Lord and creator of all things­­––and the One who keeps His promises (Heb. 6:18).

Our Father promises that a day will come when our struggles will end, and He will dry our tears (Rev. 21:4). When the hard times threaten to snuff out our hope, and this troubled world becomes too much to handle, we can drop an anchor in the truth of God’s Word. This truth will steady our hearts, minds, and usher hope into our souls.

My struggles didn’t suddenly disappear that day on the lake, or in the proceeding days. But just as our boat’s anchor cocooned us in the middle of the lake’s serenity, giving me a respite from my difficulties, I clung to God’s steadfast, sure, and steady presence amid my troubles. And my hope was renewed.

Friend, you have an anchor that secures you to the heart of God. Grab on to the hope found in Jesus and never let it go. He will see you through to the end. Hallelujah!


Dear Father, thank You for a steadfast, sure, and unshakable hope that’s found in You. In the hardships of this life, help me cling to the truth of Your Word. Shelter my heart from despair and fill me with peace as I rest in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23 ESV

How does knowing that the worst circumstances of this life will one day end in great delight fill you with hope? Determine to anchor your heart in the unfailing, unending, and unshakable hope––and presence––of Jesus.