Someone's Praying for You

Christ Jesus who died––more than that, who was raised to life––is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Romans 8:34 NIV

A notification flashed across my phone’s screen as I ambled through my morning routine. I swiped to read the words enclosed in a gray bubble: “I’m praying for you today.”

When my friend shared her message with me, she had no idea I had endured a restless night of sleep. My mind had looped through a series of questions: How will I accomplish the endless tasks on my to-do list? When will God answer my prayer for my loved one? And where will I get the resources I need to fulfill a commitment?

During the night, I vacillated between giving my worries to the Lord and trying to figure out how to solve my own problems. But instantly, peace washed over me as my friend’s words brought a familiar Scripture to mind: “Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Rom. 8:34).

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans offers a promise that, despite the circumstances, our hearts can be encouraged by the fact that there’s always One––Jesus Christ––who’s praying for us. Jesus knows perfectly how to intercede and help us. Focusing on this truth pours peace, comfort, and hope into our hearts.

Take courage, dear soul. Sweet Jesus is praying for you. He’s petitioning the Father––and summoning the Holy Spirit––to infuse you with strength for whatever you’re facing. However great the need, and regardless of how overwhelmed you feel, He’ll provide the resources and encouragement your heart needs today. Hallelujah!


Dear Father, when my mind swirls with worry, help me remember You’re on my side. Thank You, Jesus, for interceding on my behalf. Let me walk in peace, comfort, and hope and may my heart be encouraged by Your prayers for me. Remind me to lift up my friends. I praise You for the loved ones who pray for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. ~ Romans 8:27 NIV

What friend could use prayer today? Reach out and let her know that you (and Jesus!) are praying for her.